The “Beautiful Disaster” movie is slowly but surely making its way to the big screen!


Jamie McGuire’s New York Times Bestselling Beautiful Disaster is slowly but surely making it’s way to the big screen! The book tells the story of Abby, a girl trying to escape her past by adopting a prim and proper look and lifestyle in college, whose plans are derailed when she begins falling for Travis MaddoxMaddox is a tattooed, motorcycle riding, bare knuckle fighting bad boy, with some issues of his own. He’s not only the talk of the university for his exploits with the ladies on campus, but also the cousin of Abby’s best friend America’s boyfriend (got all that?), which puts Abby right in his crosshairs. What happens next is an addictive love story that had readers everywhere flipping pages as quickly as they could to find out the fate of these beautifully flawed characters.

Many are calling Beautiful Disaster the next Fifty Shades of Grey, partially because of the troubled romance aspect and partly because of the book’s evolution from self publishing to bestseller, but in my opinion the similarities end there. Where Fifty Shades of Grey is all “inner goddess” and where will “it” happen next, most of the excitement in Beautiful Disaster comes from the romance and build up to the steam; perhaps that’s why both Warner Bros and CBS Films were originally trying to get their hands on the rights to Beautiful Disaster, which will undoubtedly be easier to adapt into feature film than Fifty Shades.

Warner Bros won the rights bidding war and both a producer and screenwriter are already attached to the film. Donald De Line, whose credits include I Love You ManGreen Lantern, and Michael Bay’s latest, Pain and Gain, is reportedly set to produce and Julia Hart has been hired to write the screenplay. Hart is also slated as screenwriter for The Keeping Room, a Civil War drama directed by Daniel Barber and starring Olivia Wilde and Hailee Steinfeld.

(Image Credit: Jamie McGuire)

Author Jamie McGuire

As of publication, there still isn’t any talk of a director being attached to theBeautiful Disaster film or any casting news, although there is no shortage of fan opinions on who should play the leading roles. We won’t know much about possible casting until more of the key players behind the movie’s creation are in place, but what we do know is some of the actors Jamie McGuire could see playing the parts. In an August 2012 interview with Maryse’s Book Blog,  McGuire said she didn’t have anyone in mind for the female lead Abby, but she did have an opinion on Travis, America, and Shepley! McGuire named actor Chris Hemsworth as her “first choice” for Travis after seeing his performances in Thorand The Avengers going as far as to say, “Chris could definitely nail the fierce and soft sides of Travis in a way few actors could.” As for best friend America, McGuire thought actress Britney Snow would be “fantastic” and Cam Gigandet would be “the perfect” Shepley.




The new Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University’s Walking One-Night Stand.

Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby needs—and wants—to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby’s resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis’s apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.


Ce obtii cand amesteci un caine turbat, un porumbel si o poveste de dragoste sfasietoare? Un dezastru frumos.

Nu am cuvinte pentru cartea asta, a fost atat de intensa si interesanta, povestea dintre Abby si Travis e atat de frumoasa, dar si temperamentala uneori.

Nu pot sa cred ca deja am terminat cartea, am inceput-o ieri dimineata si deja am terminat-o.

Abby impreuna cu prietena ei America, cunoscuta si ca si Mare, se muta in oras pentru a putea incepe scoala, acolo Abby il cunoaste pe Travis Maddox, baiatul rebel, tatuat si musculos dupa care toate fetele sunt moarte, dar nici una nu poate sa puna mana pe el, Travis este faimos pentru luptele care le are dar si pentru faptul ca majoritatea fetelor au trecut prin canapeaua lui, si doar atat. Travis este tot ceea ce Abby vrea sa evite, sa poata sa inceapa de la zero si sa lase trecutul furtunos pe care il are, dar odata ce Travis intra in viata ei, tot universul se schimba, da o rotatie de 180 de grade, dar nu doar lumea ei ci si a lui Travis.

La inceput Abby nu vroia nimic cu Travis, dar incetul cu incetul cei doi se imprietenesc, in fiecare zi din ce in ce mai mult, iar pentru cei de la scoala asta este un adevarat soc, Travis are o prietena cu care inca nu sa culcat.

Mergand la un meci de lupta de-al lui Travis, cei doi fac un pariu. Daca Travis primea un pumn de la adversarul sau, atunci el timp de o luna nu se mai putea culca cu nici o fata, dar daca scapa fara nici o zgarietura, atunci Abby trebuia sa petreaca acelasi timp in apartamentul lui Travis.

Relatia dintre cei doi devine tot mai stransa, iar zvonurile prin scoala incep sa umble, se pare ca pentru toti cei din jur ei doi sunt mai mult decat prieteni dar Abby inca nu vrea sa creada acest lucru

Cei doi sunt constienti de atractia care e intre ei doi, dar intr-o seara cand Abby lasa la o parte incapatanarea si isi marturiseste sentimentele fata de el. De aici incepe o tornada, un vartej de sentimente, cand ei sunt fericiti si se iubesc totul e roz, dar cand ei se cearta, sunt ca un uragan, toti din imprejur au de suferit, nu doar ei doi.

Relatia lor e un dezastru, si ei stiu asta, dar asta nu ii opreste din a se iubi, a fi impreuna si a trece toate obstacolele care li se prezinta, dar oare chiar atat de mare sa fie dragostea lor incat sa supereze nu doar umbrele trecutului lui Abby ci si impulsurile lui Travis, temperamentul lui… Va reusi dragostea lor sa fie atat de mare incat sa treaca peste toate aceste obstacole si intr-un final sa afle daca totul a meritat?

Recomand cartea asta cu cea mai mare caldura, veti rade, veti suferi veti experimenta toate sentimentele impreuna cu personajele.

Momentele dintre Abby si Travis au fost emotionante, doar ca uneori imi venea sa imi arunc telefonul pe geam din cauza lui Abby, mi se parea atat de proasta si incapatanata… ma dispera :))

Oricum, am trecut peste toate scenele acelea si in final a meritat.

Pentru cei care nu stiti cartea va aparea anul viitor la Editura Trei (probabil in luna ianuarie-februarie)


“To douchebags!” he said, gesturing to Brad. „And to girls that break your heart,” he bowed his head to me. His eyes lost focus. „And to the absolute fucking horror of losing your best friend because you were stupid enough to fall in love with her.”

“I know we’re fucked up, alright? I’m impulsive, and hot tempered, and you get under my skin like no one else. You act like you hate me one minute, and then need me the next. I never get anything right, and I don’t deserve you…but I fucking love you, Abby. I love you more than I loved anyone or anything ever. When you’re around, I don’t need booze, or money, or the fighting, or the one-night stands…”

“You can’t tell me what to do anymore, Travis! I don’t belong to you!” In the second it took him to turn and face me, hisexpression had contorted into anger. He stomped toward me, planting his hands on the bed and leaning into my face. “WELL I BELONG TO YOU!” The veins in his neck bulged as he shouted, and I met his glare, refusing to even flinch. He looked at my lips, panting. “I belong to you.”

“You know why I want you? I didn’t know I was lost until you found me. I didn’t know what alone was until the first night I spent without you in my bed. You’re the one thing I’ve got right. You’re what I’ve been waiting for, Pigeon.”

“-It’s over. Go home. -You’re my home.”

“I need to hear you say it. I need to know you’re mine.”  “I’ve been yours since the second we met.”

“I clinked my bottle against his. “To being the only girl a guy with no standards doesn’t want to sleep with.” I said, taking a swig. “Are you serious?” he asked, pulling the bottle from my  mouth. When I didn’t recant, he leaned toward me. “First of  all…I have standards. I’ve never been with an ugly woman.  Ever. Second of all, I wanted to sleep with you. I thought  about throwing you over my couch fifty different ways, but I  haven’t because I don’t see you that way anymore. It’s not  that I’m not attracted to you, I just think you’re better than  that.”  I couldn’t hold back the smug smile that crept across my  face. “You think I’m too good for you.”  He sneered at my second insult. “I can’t think of a single  guy I know that’s good enough for you.”

“I know you deserve better than me. You think I don’t know that? But  if there was any woman made for me…it’s you. I’ll do  whatever I have to do, Pidge. Do you hear me? I’ll do anything.”

„You said you’re done with me, and I accept that. I’m a different person since I met you. I’ve changed… for the better. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to do right by you. We were friends first, Pigeon. I will always love you, but if I can’t make you happy, it doesn’t make much sense for me to try to get you back. I can’t imagine being with anyone else, but I’ll be happy as long as we’re friends.
„You want to be friends?” I asked, the words burning in my mouth.
„I want you to be happy. Whatever that takes.”

Ok, acum dupa atatea citate va las nota :))


Povestea  continua in Walking Disaster

Beautiful Disaster told in Travis point of view.

How much is too much to love?

Travis Maddox learned two things from his mother before she died: Love hard. Fight harder.

In Walking Disaster, the life of Travis is full of fast women, underground gambling, and violence. Just when he thought he was invincible, Abby Abernathy brings him to his knees.

Every story has two sides. In Jamie McGuire’s New York Times bestseller Beautiful Disaster Abby had her say. Now it’s time to see the story through Travis’s eyes.